Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Solomon's Throne

Let's imagine for a moment we are living in the 10th century BC and we, for some reason have an audience in the court of King Solomon, the wealthiest, wisest, most industrious leader of Israel in its glory. We are introduced and escorted to see the king approaching his throne. (This is directly from Answers.com, but many sources were compiled in writing it.)

Solomon's throne is described at length in Targum Sheni, (an Aramaic translation and elaboration of the Book of Esther) which is compiled from three different sources and in two later Midrashim (a group of Jewish commentaries on the Hebrew Scriptures compiled between A.D. 400 and 1200 and based on exegesis, parable, and haggadic legend). There are six steps leading to the throne. There are animals of pure gold on each side of the steps. On the first step, a lion on one side and an ox on the other. On the second step a wolf opposite of a sheep. On the third is a tiger opposite a camel. On the fourth step an eagle opposite a peacock. On the fifth step, a cat opposite a rooster/cock. On the sixth step there is sparrow hawk opposite a dove. On the top of the throne there was a dove holding a sparrow hawk in its claws, symbolizing the dominion of Israel over the Gentiles. The throne was covered with fine gold from Ophir, studded with beryls, inlaid with marble, and jeweled with emeralds, rubies, pearls, and all manner of gems.

The Midrashim states the six steps represent Solomon's belief that six kings would rule over Israel. Also on top of the throne was a golden candelabrum. On the seven branches of one side of the candelabrum were the names of seven patriarchs: Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Job. On the other side were seven branches with the names of Levi, Kohath, Amram, Moses, Aaron, Eklad, Medad and either Hur or Hagga, depending on the version. Above the candelabrum was a jar filled with olive oil and beneath it a golden basin which supplied the jar with oil and which the names of Nadab, Abilu and Eli and his two sons were engraved. Over the throne were twenty-four vines fixed to cast a shadow on the king's head.

By some mechanical contrivance, the throne followed Solomon wherever he wished to go. Other mechanics caused the animals on the first step, when Solomon placed his foot upon it, to have the ox stretch forth its leg, on which Solomon leaned. There was a similar mechanical action that took place with each of the animals on each of the six steps. From the sixth step, the eagles raised the king and placed him in his seat, near which a golden serpent lay coiled. When the king was seated, the large eagle placed the crown on his head and the serpent uncoiled himself. Then the lions and eagles moved upward to form a shade over him. The dove then descended, took the scroll of the Law from the Ark, and placed it in Solomon's knees.

It was the task of seven heralds to keep Solomon reminded of his duties as king and judge. The first one of the heralds approached him when he set foot on the first step of the throne, and began to recite the law for kings, "He shall not multiply wives to himself." (oops) At the second step, the second herald reminded him, "He shall not multiply horses to himself" (oops, again); at the third, the next one of the heralds said, "Neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold." (how many times was he reminded of these things?) At the fourth step, he was told by the fourth herald, "Thou shalt not wrest judgment"; at the fifth step, by the fifth herald, "Thou shalt not respect persons," and at the sixth, by the sixth herald, "Neither shalt thou take a gift." Finally, when he was about to seat himself upon the throne, the seventh herald cried out: "Know before whom thou standest."

When the king sat, surrounded by the Sanhedrin (the highest judicial and ecclesiastical council of the ancient Jewish nation, composed of from 70 to 72 members), the wheels of the throne began to turn and the beasts and fowl began to utter their respective cries. This action frightened those who intended to bear false testimony. In addition, while Solomon was ascending to the throne, the lions scattered all kinds of fragrant spices. The Bible describes the Throne Of Solomon as the most powerful seat or structure that was ever created after the Arc Of Covenant. "Solomon's" Throne emanated such magical powers that, not even Moses could surpass if he was alive. Still remember why you came before the king?

After Solomon's death, the Pharoah Shishak (Solomon's father-in-law), when taking away the treasures of the temple (I Kings, xlv. 26), carried off the throne for security for his daughter. It remained in Egypt until Sennacherib conquered that country. After his fall, Hezekiah gained possession of it, but when Josiah was slain by Pharoah Necho, the latter took it away. According to Rabbinical accounts, Necho didn't know how to operate the throne and accidently struck himself with one of the lions causing him to become lame. The throne subsequently fell in to the hands of Nebuchadnezzer who shared a similar fate. The throne then passed to the Persians whose king Darius was the first to successfully sit on the throne since Solomon's death. After that the throne passed to the Greeks and Ahasuerus. The Median rulers parted with the throne to the Greek monarchs, and finally it was carried to Rome. There is no further account of the throne's existence. I wonder if it was taken apart for the gold and jewelry and mechanics. or it is still somewhere to be discovered by the Archeologists? Archeologists believe it existed because so many kings wanted possession of that throne. No one has been able to replicate the complexities of the throne. Imagine showing up with this at the Antique Roadshow.

This blog utilized information from Answers.com and their related references, www.globusz.com/ebooks/LegJew4/00000058.htm, www.domainofman.com/forum/index.cgi?noframes;read=143, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon

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