Monday, August 2, 2010

Chapter One

There is nothing to anything-it's all smoke. Much learning earns you much trouble. The more you know, the more you hurt.
I can understand the frame of mind the writer must have been in, even though my life has not been anything close to the life of Solomon. I sometimes have difficulty reckoning the life I have in contrast to what I thought my life might be like at 55. Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans (John Lennon).
Where is the wealth, the notoriety and the sense of accomplishment you anticipated having in your life by this age? I spent my entire working life trying to make the best of what I could do. I have supported and help raise 3 children. I worked very hard to assist my wive's in having a better and fulfilled life. I paid lots of bills and never had the house I dreamed of owning, which is the one true sense of wealth that most people invest in-and the greedy have now found a way to rob a lot people of that.
In a sense, I can look at the fact that I did all that I could to enable my wives' an improved life. They ended up despising me for it. I am not near a perfect person, but I tried very hard to do that and be a loving husband. I am sorry they couldn't accept me for what I did or who I am. I have three beautiful children and a grandchild that I consider most precious. I did realize that our children are our greatest asset. I invested in it ethically. They live 2000 miles away and it is not easy to participate in their lives. Even as a divorced parent, I never abandoned my children. I saw to it their needs were met and I shared every bit of wisdom I could pass on to them. I have left everything I have to start over three times now.
I have pursued an education that I hoped would improve my circumstances and understanding. It has. The more you know, the less you realize you know. I have run up a considerable tuition debt to teach...I don't know that it will paid for before I pass on. It took me 30 years to complete my bachelor's degree. The corkscrew of life is a most prominent metaphor to me. I know every turn on it to this point of my life.
I am so discouraged by the political process. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good civil servants doing work for all of us, but it seems the more power, or wealth one amasses, the more corrupt and greedy they can become. Politicians, business men, corporations and even Pastors. Where in this world are the truly earnest, caring and diligent? I don't perceive many in high places. It is a bit boring, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. The more you know, the more you hurt. I must copy that because its so true, Mark! I am sorry it took me this long to read your blogs. This one i am really relating to because i think we all feel that way about our age measuring up to what we've accomplished. I look at my peers and i see them with families and houses and here i am no kids living with my parents,but like you said as long as we've done the best we can our life really is a success. You are so right about the earnest, caring and diligent not being in high places, but it makes me think of something my mom always reminds me of. Jesus was not friends with the influential people of his times. He was friends with people like us. The hard workers, the middle and low class people. I think in the end they will end up being the influential ones.
