Sunday, August 1, 2010


Ecclesiastes is a word of Greek translation of the Hebrew title, usually translated to "the Preacher" or "the Teacher". I am 55 years old. Through my life I have tried to find meaning in many things. I am a christian though I can't say a devoted christian, but for certain a believer. I was a student of EST, Lifespring, a student with a bachelor's degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences which came to fruition after changing my major from a BS in Business Administration/Management. I have three children and I have been divorced twice. I have had 3 (maybe 4) careers. I am working on a Master's Degree in Special Education (I am almost there). My successes have been in my ability to endure life's twists and turns and not lose faith in God. I can say, most confidently, that it has taken my disappointments, failures and bad decisions to build my faith to a more meaningful existence of God. He has been with me all the way.
I don't have the answers. I would not qualify to attest to being a wise man. Never ask me for advice on relationships. I gave that illusion up after my last divorce. I do have faith in my God and I have faith in many, many other people. This blog is meant to be an open forum with your thoughts as well as my own and others thoughts I may use in preparing each chapter's blog. I try my best not to plagiarize this blog. I am currently using The Message, by Eugene H. Peterson to read through this book in the Old Testament. I may use a different translation from time to time. Please join in with your honest thoughts and experiences that we may grow together in this quest of understanding Ecclesiates.
What is most interesting about this book, and what compelled me to do this, is that it is written by Solomon or his descendants. Solomon was the son of King David and a king himself. Most notably the most successful king and wisest soul in his history. He experienced every temptation and success the world had to offer. Yet, he wrote this book to profess to the world that nothing compares to God. The book is not about God. Solomon allows the other 65 chapters of the old testament to do that. It's about answers about how to live your life with meaning.
Some arguments and an outline of this book exists here: The purpose of this book is Solomon attempting to answer this question: "What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun?" ( This is considered wisdom literature which is concerned with the application of truth (from creation and the law) to daily life and choices ( It seems this book was written between 300 and 200 B.C.
May God be with us, bless us and let us learn from this experience. Please share with me this journey, that we may learn together. Amen.

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