Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chapter Two

I said to myself, "Let's go for it - experiment with pleasure, have a good time!" But there was nothing to it, nothing but smoke. Remember saying that to yourself? I am convinced that man and animal are addictive by nature. What is the purpose? To find that pleasure center in your brain, to feel pleasure. We each have our try at finding that pleasure center from the world. Look at almost every commercial, it tries to lure you into belief that your life is better with it. Once you find your addiction, and it is different for most people, look out! It will take you down the river with a rush of water and motion. It is not until you end up on shore that you have a chance to look at it. If you keep with it long enough, it will use those pleasure molecules and your brain will forget how to produce them on its own. Then, it has an opposite effect. It is sin. The wages of sin is death. Our God, our Bible clearly states that God wants us to be happy. The Bible offers a path to real happiness. How long does it take to realize that? How many things can we list that we think will do that and, in retrospect, we realize it was smoke (some of it literally).

What do I think of the fun-filled life? Insane! Inane! My verdict on the pursuit of happiness? Who needs it? Solomon states he tried his level best to find how to penetrate the absurdity of life. He vigorously pursued anything useful we mortals might do during the years we spend on Earth. He never said no.

Oh (I love that exclamation), I did great things: built houses, planted vineyards, designed gardens and parks, planted orchards, made pools of water to irrigate trees (the pools of Solomon are one of the only tangible authentic evidence of his existence now). He prospered. He bought slaves who procreated and increased his workforce. He acquired large herds and flocks. He amassed silver and gold. Homage from other kings and kingdoms. He had a chorus of singers (we might have a large CD collection and stereo system, a flat screen tv and sound system). And in his estimation, voluptuous maidens for his bed. Ok, he's got me beat all to heck.

He surpassed all his contemporaries and predecessors. More than that, he kept his head about him. He never said no to himself and took whatever he wanted. He gave in to every impulse, holding nothing back. He says he sucked the marrow out of every pleasure as a reward for a hard day's work. Quite the metaphor. Can you imagine the scope of what he is saying? In verses 1 - 11 he gave us a summary of his search for pleasure. In verses 11-23 he reflects upon it all.

There was nothing to any of it-smoke. What a conclusion! I can barely imagine the scope of his pursuit and he came to the same conclusion as I have. I was sure that my conclusion would be different if my outcomes had been greater. He took a hard look at what was smart and what was stupid. What is left to do after doing all of that? He did conclude it is better to be smart that stupid. The smart ones' see where they are going; the stupid grope in the dark. They are all the same in the end. One fate for all and that's it. Wow. What happens on Earth is a bad business.

He hated everything he had accomplished. He had to leave it all to someone he had no confidence would appreciate it. It brought him to despair to realize this. Despite your wisdom, knowledge and skill, you leave your heritage to one who didn't work for it. Do we know the son of the successful man who has lost touch with reality and is self indulgent? I know many. That hasn't changed. He thinks all of his accomplishments are vanity and evil.

Verses 24 - 26 conclude this chapter. Man should enjoy the good in his labor (hear this, Bernie Madoff?). There is nothing better than to eat, drink and enjoy your labor. The ability to enjoy is a gift from God. No one can truly enjoy life without God. To those good in God's sight, he gives wisdom, knowledge and joy. To the sinner, God gives the work of gathering and collecting to give to the one who is good. The sinner's work becomes vanity and grasping for the wind. Nothing but smoke.

His conclusion can be interpreted as those who really know how to enjoy life as those that everyday life is a gift from God, thanking him and serving him in it. How truly good does it feel to be grateful for what you have and what you do? This is the difference belief in God can make in one's life. I am very thankful for this wealth. God bless us, everyone!

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